Getting a divorce is never easy. Dealing with child custody issues can make it even harder. If you have to have deal with child custody issues, you want to make sure that you have a lawyer that can help you with your custody issues. Your attorney may give you some things to do that will make your custody case easier. Keep a Log One thing you can do is to keep a log of what happens with your ex when it comes to your child.
17 August 2017
Going through a lawsuit will involve the completion of many different formal steps. These steps are necessary to ensure that the case is resolved fairly for both sides of the dispute. Discovery can be one of the most important steps in the process of launching a lawsuit. Yet, this is one step that both plaintiffs and defendants will often find themselves unprepared to address, which can lead to stress. What Is The Purpose Of The Discovery Process?
15 August 2017
If you are pursuing a personal injury claim, your medical records are some of the best forms of evidence you can have in your arsenal. Note, however, that you won't have unfettered access to all manner of information in your medical records. Here is some of the information that the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act 1996 (HIPAA) allows your doctor to keep away from you: Your Doctor's Notes Your doctor's notes aren't your personal records; they are the products of the doctor's work.
27 July 2017
Traffic cops perform a necessary function in keeping roadways safe and orderly. When you receive a traffic citation, you should always treat the police officer issuing the citation with respect, and you should not try to worm your way out of a justly issued ticket. On the other hand, everyone makes mistakes, and traffic cops are no exception. If you we feel like an error was made and that you did not deserve a ticket you received, then you should consider challenging your ticket.
18 July 2017
If you are a father and are facing a custody issue involving one or more of your children, you will need an attorney to advocate on your behalf. As you begin your search for the right attorney, there are several things to look for. The following are three of the most important attributes a child custody lawyer should have when representing a father. Look for an attorney with experience representing fathers
29 June 2017
When a prosecutor files criminal charges against you for a crime that you did not commit, you can choose to fight the charges. Despite the evidence that the prosecutor has that makes you look guilty, there is a possibility that you could win your case. If you are potentially facing criminal charges and you are innocent, here are some options you have for fighting the case. Talk to the Prosecutor If the prosecutor has not filed charges against you yet and you suspect there is a possibility that he or she will, contact him or her.
11 June 2017
As the victim of an accident, you are likely entitled to receive compensation for your injuries. However, not being at fault does not let you off the hook when it comes to the extent of the damages. You have a legal obligation to mitigate the damages. If you fail to, you could be left to pay for some of the damages. If you were hurt in an accident, here is what you need to know about mitigating the damages.
29 May 2017
Divorce is never easy. However, if you don't plan properly, divorce can be more difficult than it needs to be. If you've decided to file for divorce, don't start the process until you're prepared for the entire process – including financially. Here are four steps you'll need to take to help you avoid problems. Start Building Your Own Credit If all your credit is tied up with your spouse, you'll want to start building your own credit history as soon as possible.
17 May 2017
There are several reasons that a will could be invalidated by the courts. One of the most commonly cited is undue influence. Proving that there is grounds for this argument can be challenging. If you are planning to contest a will based on undue influence, here is what you need to know. When Does Undue Influence Occur? If you are arguing undue influence, you are claiming that the deceased was somehow unfairly influenced by another person into making the estate planning decisions he or she made.
3 May 2017
When your loved one dies, it is important that you understand the ins and outs of going through the probate process. The more that you know about the probate process, the easier it will be fore you to have their wealth allocated properly and to their wishes. In order to make sure that you are treated fairly during the probate process and under the guidance of the best attorneys around, read on and use the guidelines presented in this article.
18 April 2017