Three Tips For Protecting Yourself From Unwarranted Cellphone Searches


The cellphone is the center of many people's lives, containing vast amounts of data about them and their activities. So, it's no surprise that law enforcement officers will access people's cellphones—and other electronic devices—to find evidence of criminal activity. To protect yourself, here are three things you can do to stop cops from looking at your cellphone data when they don't have a warrant to do so. Assert Your Rights

16 August 2018

The Social Security Approval Process: What To Know


When you are unable to work at your job you might be qualified for Social Security disability. This government-provided form of financial assistance is only for those who can show proof that they are eligible, and that eligibility process can be lengthy and extensive. You might be wondering what happens after you submit your application to the Social Security Administration (SSA), so read on to find out more. 1. Are you financially eligible?

27 June 2018

Getting Divorced? What To Know About Going Back To Using A Maiden Name


Any woman getting divorced will need to make a decision about what to do about their last name. They can move forward with keeping their current last name or change it back to their maiden name. This can be a tougher decision than it seems, especially if you have kids that share your current last name. Here is what you need to know about changing a last name. When Is The Best Time To Change Your Last Name?

14 April 2018

4 Benefits Of Choosing An Uncontested Divorce


One of the most challenging things in life may be ending a marriage. This can be a stressful time and one you'll want to work hard to get through with the greatest possible ease. The less challenging methods of divorcing may be the uncontested divorce. When you and your spouse are both agreeable to the end of the marriage, this one can be selected. Look at the following benefits of this kind of divorce.

29 March 2018

Is There A Way To Prevent Stalking After Leaving A Violent Partner?


Domestic abuse is about control. So, it's not unusual for an abuser to stalk his or her ex after the victim leaves the relationship in an effort to continue controlling how the person behaves. According to the Victim of Crimes website, 61 percent of women and 44 percent of men report being stalked by an intimate partner. If you've managed to get away from an abuser, here's what you can do to stay safe.

4 March 2018

Probate And Probate Attorneys: General Faqs


When you are left as the executor of an estate after someone in your life passes away, you may or may not have to go through the probate process. Probate is a process that takes place to settle outstanding debts, handle distribution of assets, and ensure those designations in the will are properly carried out and is usually only necessary if an estate is specifically complex or complicated. Here is a look at some of the most common questions people have about probate and hiring a probate attorney.

8 February 2018

How Do You Get A Supervised Visitation Order Removed?


When there's a concern that a non-custodial parent may not properly care for a child during his or her visitations, the court may order those visitations to be supervised by a third party. As you can imagine, these types of visits can make it difficult for parents and children to truly engage with each other and build their relationships. However, ending a supervised visitation order can be challenging. Here's what you need to do to handle this situation.

25 January 2018