When you are unable to work at your job you might be qualified for Social Security disability. This government-provided form of financial assistance is only for those who can show proof that they are eligible, and that eligibility process can be lengthy and extensive. You might be wondering what happens after you submit your application to the Social Security Administration (SSA), so read on to find out more.
1. Are you financially eligible? While SSI (Social Security Income) relies on the lack of income, SSDI (Social Security Disability Insurance) relies on your past work history. You must have earned enough income within a certain number of years to get paid benefits. Once you have submitted your application, your local Social Security office will pass the application on to the next qualifying level if you qualify with enough work credits.
2. Are you doing SGA? Substantial gainful activity is the way the SSA terms work that produces income. You must not be working at the time you apply for benefits and you must be able to show that you have either been unable to work for at least a year or that you expect to be unable to work for at least that much in the future. If you pass this part of the qualification process then your application is sent to Disability Determination Services (DDS).
3. Are you medically unable to work? Disability determination (DDS) is performed at the state level and is the final, but most important, part of the evaluation for benefits. This evaluation is so extensive that it deserves a step-by-step explanation.
1. The "blue book": If your medical or mental condition is not listed in the SSA's so-called blue book, then you probably won't get benefits. Any medical disorder that you claim to have is checked against your medical records for verification. You should be in treatment and be prepared to show the proof of that treatment for the specific disability you are afflicted with.
2. The residual functional capacity (RFC) test: The SSA needs to determine exactly what job tasks you can no longer perform and then those tasks are placed on a scale from sedentary to heavy.
3. Performing other work: This final step determines whether or not you might be qualified to do work other than that of your most recent position. This evaluation can be complicated since it takes into account your work history, education, age, job training, and your RFC rating to see if you can do other work.
As you can see, the potential to get denied is high when you must pass so many different qualifications. If you have been denied, speak to a Social Security attorney and get support while you appeal the ruling. You can get the benefits you need at an appeal with professional legal help.
Share27 June 2018
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